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The Archer|17 x 12 in| I used magazine paper, acrylic paint, permanent marker, digital images, and Adobe Photoshop.My focus is on the effects of not taking prescribed medications. Inspired by Pablo Picasso and Alexa Meade.
Lassiter High School|Marietta, GA
DesignDo you see right through me? I see right through me.
To make this artwork, I took the idea of not taking prescribed medications, and I used prevalent anxiety and inner insecurities that swarm the mind when not on proper medication. Hence, the repetition of, “Do you see right through me? I see right through me.”
I used acrylic paint, magazine paper, digital images, and a permanent marker for this work. I painted the woman’s face separate from the border of paint strokes and rectangles. I digitally edited the pieces and put them together in Photoshop before adding an overlay of nerves. I had to experiment with several different images of nerves before finding the right one as well.
Suzette Spinelli
Abigail Cutler is a very independent thinking student, with an amazing strong insight into what her creative process will become, each time she works on her selected art. Abigail is a student that can mentally visualize something from real life into a profound work of art. Her experience is not the final art but a trigger for a new idea. This helps her create art that becomes higher-level, incorporating critical thinking skills that she thrives upon. Abigail is driven with an underlying emotional connection within her art, where she is flexible with no boundaries. She also has a strong commitment to follow through with any issues that will arise and work through the issues, experimenting with multi-layers of thinking and mixed media. Abigail is always seeking moments of astonishment.
Abigail Cutler