The Fool
|18 x 12 in| Color pencil.
Pencil sketch and color pencil. Experimented with an implied human figure with different values.
Booker T. Washington Magnet High School|Montgomery, AL
DesignThis artwork represents a connecting journey with the "The Fool" or in essence any person on the walk of life.
My work, titled “The Fool," is an 18 x 12 inch colored pencil piece inspired by the complex themes of tarot cards. During the making of my AP portfolio, I wanted to explore storytelling through drawings. This piece, in particular, is about naivety or blissful ignorance. It shows a girl whose eyes were covered, and even not knowing who had covered her eyes, blindly trusted them with a smile on her face. She is innocent, foolish.
The piece is done entirely in color pencils. I used my classmate as a model so that I would have an original reference. I also edited the photo in Adobe photoshop in lieu of having a pencil sketch.

Annie Xia
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