DesignCrescenta Valley High School|La Crescenta, CA
Through my theme
Luxury in Excess
I wanted to explore the complications of wealth. Here, I wanted to show how excessive wealth can rob a person of their identity. The woman has clearly gone on a shopping spree. Her face was intentionally omitted to trigger curiosity about her character. Without her face, the audience can only associate the shopper with her bags. The bags, her symbols of wealth, have become her only definable feature. They are her identity. The empty, concave horizon inspired the title. It conveys that nothing can limit her shopping. Her character becomes synonymous with carefree spending with little regard for social stigma. Her shallowness makes her face irrelevant.
My composition aims to direct the viewers’ eyes through my piece before finally settling on the bags. Rendering the legs more realistically contrasts with the other aspects, which makes the audience initially drawn to the legs. The perspective and foreshortening exaggerate the legs to give the illusion of movement, which helps drive attention upward from the legs before fanning out to the bags. The bags were initially designed with different colors, but I later simplified my palette to remove distractions and unify the piece.

Audrey Paransky
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