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Drunk Death | 40 x 30 x 1.3 in| Woodless Pencils.Experimented hard pressing pencil marks with erasers. Revised dark emotions with hard dark edges.
(Henry) Bao
Las Vegas Academy of the Arts|Las Vegas, NV
I carried this emotion during the whole process of making this painting.
I lost my uncle a few days before I made this painting, and the aggressive and sad feeling kept tricking my mind when I was drawing. This work is a recreation of the car accident that took three people’s lives. I used woodless pencils experimented with hard pressing pencil marks with erasers. Revised dark emotions with hard dark edges.
My Sustained Investigation was about what will death look like from many different perspectives, the feeling of losing a loved one been distracting me from drawing anything, the tears come out when I’m thinking about I couldn’t see him anymore for the rest of my life. I carried the emotions during the whole process of creating this piece.
The advice I give to other teachers is to trust and learn from your students. Trust in their ability to communicate visually without barriers. Give them the freedom to find their own way.
Kelly Mabel
Erhan (Henry) Bao
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