Sloth|11 x 8 in| Colored pencil, and ballpoint pen on tan drawing paper.
Pencil: detail and blending. Pen: outlines. Eyes lead to prom dress focus. Size disparity draws in the viewer.
Gracie Baker
Timber Creek High School|Keller, Texas
The self portrait reflects my feelings of a borderline repulsive laziness. Asking myself what I was really feeling and putting that into my art helped me to develop more positive and uplifting coping skills moving forward.
I knew I had to look inward and find something relevant for myself with what was happening all around me. The inquiry that guided my investigation was a question for myself. "What am I feeling in the middle of this pandemic? How can I express this?"
This investigation included my experimentation with strange materials. It pushed me to become more skilled in colored pencil since I did not have the resources to paint with my usual preferred material: oil paint. I had to revise my pieces over and over again to truly represent how I felt in this confusing time and was forced to return to the drawing board many times for my most honest work. Practice and revision led me to my answer.

Sloth | Process Work
I had a completely different investigation at the beginning of the year. However, my original portfolio seemed to lack any importance when the entire world came to a halt. I was angry at the world for taking my senior year away. I was depressed, lacked motivation, and became overly aware of my weight gain. I used the small things around me to be content with my changed life; I finally found peace.
Gracie Baker
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