Locket, Our Lady|1.8 x 1.5 x 0.14 in|silver, copper, wood inlay, alcohol inks, epoxy resin.Layering intended to show depth, mimicking the entry of Notre Dame as well as the view inside.
DesignCouncil Rock High School North|Newtown, PA

Bracelet, Rose Window Cuff|2.2 x 2.0 x 2.8 in|copper, silver, enamel.
Simplified rose window design utilizing enamel to imitate stained glass.
Working with metal forced a smaller scale and limited my color palette, which allowed me to focus primarily on structural elements and simplifying intricate designs in recognizable patterns.
My jewelry this year was made to reflect traditional Gothic architecture with a specific emphasis on the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris. I chose to work with metal as it forced me to limit both my scale and color palette and focus more on simplifying the design and structure of Notre Dame.

Flying Buttress Ring | 1.8 x 1.5 x .14 in | silver, bronze, gold wire, alcohol inks.I wanted to convey a variety of Gothic elements focusing on depth created by flying buttresses
With both the locket and the bracelet, I wanted to focus on function- including the maximum amount of Gothic elements while keeping the jewelry wearable and delicate. I used a lot of enamel to emulate stained glass while keeping the bracelet lightweight and simplistic. Similarly, as the locket was too small to include much detail, I incorporated wood inlay to create similarity to the front doors of Notre Dame. Most of the designs were pre-planned. However, I experimented primarily through materials- using different metals and various inlays to create depth and texture. I also wanted to include broader elements of Gothic design in each piece, so I frequently incorporated lancet window designs to emphasize the symmetry and balance of Notre Dame.

Sketchbook work | Pen on paper.I explored various aspects of the Notre Dame cathedral and used lancets to unify the design.

Locket, Our Lady|1.8 x 1.5 x 0.14 in|silver, copper, wood inlay, alcohol inks, epoxy resin.Layering intended to show depth, mimicking the entry of Notre Dame as well as the view inside.
The jewelry I created this year was primarily focused on creating functional pieces while incorporating the intricate detail of Gothic Architecture. I also focussed on joining specific elements of Notre Dame Cathedral with broader Gothic designs while utilizing the smaller scale of metal work to create simplified designs of iconic architecture.

Sketchbook work | Pen on Paper. I used a circular ring design to represent the ambulatory with supporting flying buttresses and windows.

Process Work
Halle was never short of ideas throughout her investigation. Her sketchbook and pre-planning are masterful...You can simply open any page and find a cognitive stream of inspiration and planning.
Colleen Palmer
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Halle Johnson
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