3-D Design
Jacob Martinez
Desert Hills High School|St. George, Utah

Nightcap|26.5 x 26.5 x 18 in.
Material(s): Porcelain, Plaster, Textile, Ceramic.
Process(es): Wheel thrown teapot plaster molded pillow symbolizes ritual to prevent bad dreams.
Curatorial Note: Ceramic vessels that explore softness and hardness in a visual metaphor. Work explores astrological, spirituality and earthly connections.
“My sustained investigation was to explore texture and surface area as well as bring a visual metaphor for spirituality on ceramic vessels.”
Student statement
As human beings, we each face one thing no matter what: our thoughts. Our thoughts can take us on beautiful journeys that manifest into peaceful physical experiences. On the contrary, our thoughts or chatter in the brain can lead us down a path of anxiety, fear, and hate, and manifest into a very unhealthy physical reality. This piece speaks to the culture of drinking tea as a means of seeking peace, comfort, and solace before placing our heads on our pillows and allowing our minds and body to rest. However, this does not promise that our minds will be at ease. In these dreamscapes, it can be a literal hell, it can cause the most terrifying discomfort and leave us petrified for sleep.

Jacob Martinez

Teacher Statement
Teacher Statement
Brandon Berrett
The first day Jacob sat at the potter's wheel and tried making pottery for the first time, I knew he would be something special. He dedicated thousands of hours to get to the level he is today, driven by that which seems impossible. He believed from the beginning that age, experience, and grade had little to do with what he could accomplish. He spent so many hours searching online for other artists. He would seek their mentorship and be met with opposition and ego. He pushed past the impossible and mastered techniques that most graduate students are still trying to figure out. He is special. His heart is solid. He loves and cares deeply for others. He is a leader and an example to many others of what is possible. He will continue to make his mark in significant ways. I am grateful I had the chance to make pottery alongside this wizard.
Principal Statement
Principal Statement
Justine Keate
Jacob Martinez is a phenomenal artist beyond his years as a high school student. Jacob thrived here in our art classes at Desert Hills High School and has been inspiring to other students. Jacob sees with artist eyes wide open, and the art he creates is truly breathtaking. We are so proud of his accomplishments as a student and ceramicist and wish him the best in his future endeavors.
Jacob Martinez