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Alone Together|10.5 x 13 in| Watercolor, Micron pens.
Sketchbook thumbnails, color trials, drew house and details in ink, finished with watercolor.
Wakefield High School|Wakefield, MA
John Ruggiero
In this piece I expanded upon the idea of hiding from others.
My time in the AP program this year was spent diving into the ideas of self-expression and its effects on the individual and others. In this piece, I expanded upon the idea of hiding from others. The piece depicts four figures in their own little safe spaces. Each figure is shown doing what makes them most comfortable. None of them express a prominent identity reflecting that these characters could be anyone. Anyone may find themselves the freest and expressive when they are granted their own privacy. Without having to worry about what others may think, they find it easier to express themselves freely.
To create this piece, I used a variety of micron pens and watercolors to fit a large amount of detail into a small space. By adding several points of interest, the viewer can discover new details that help build a story. Another aspect I paid attention to was the colors of the rooms. By making each of them a different vibrant color, I can show individuality between each character. Many experiments were made in color and texture to make sure that the overall piece fit the tone I was aiming for.
Alone Together|Process Work
John Ruggiero
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