Kay Spicer
Piper High School|Sunrise, Florida
![Kay Spicer 2nd scan[18].webp](/image/9816314.1666904816000/Kay_Spicer_2nd_scan_18_.webp)
Untited|8.5 x 5.5 in.
Material(s): Alcohol markers, black liners, white gel pen
Process(es): I wanted to depict heartbreak by drawing the heart and musculature of the character.
Curatorial Note: Unusual student interpretation of love
“Most people think that love is always happy and sweet, but it is not always like that. Love can hurt, and there are so many different types of love and troupes in media. Love can turn into an obsession, narcissism, and even hatred, and I want to highlight the types of love you might not see.”
Student statement
My sustained investigation pertained to love in various stages as well as the darker side of love itself. I found it interesting that in the media, love is usually portrayed in a lighter context and that they only show the beautiful parts of love but not the ugly parts. For my portfolio, I only used black, white, and shades of pink and red. By using this color pallet on all my works, it makes the portfolio look cohesive. My artwork is more modern than traditional or classical artwork; in my art style, I exaggerate the proportions and the features of the characters I draw, and that makes them look more cartoonish than realistic. I offset paler or darker colors with much brighter shades of that color.
I wasn’t afraid to push the boundary with my subjects, while I sometimes drew broken-heartedness or love at first sight I also drew toxic relationships, narcissism, and obsession. I just drew what I wanted to. I was also inspired by things around me, relationships in books and in media as well as other topics that I found interesting.

Kay Spicer
Principal Statement
Principal Statement
Derrick Dixon
Kaylee is an overall excellent student. Her dedication to her work, quiet confidence, and thoughtfulness are just a few of her strengths. Her passion for the concepts conveyed in her portfolio is evident in how well she executed her ideas. I noticed through her artist statements and through conversations with her that she was very thorough in her research and was deeply invested in helping the viewer to understand her perspective about relationships and life. This was a big responsibility that she took on willingly, enthusiastically, and successfully. I watched as Kaylee worked diligently and tirelessly to create very profound pieces that expressed very complex problems and solutions.
What I found particularly impressive was how well Kaylee managed her very demanding schedule of producing a college-level art portfolio along with juggling other college-level academic courses. Kaylee maintained straight A’s throughout the school year in all of her courses and continued to meet deadlines for a very challenging AP Art course. I never witnessed Kaylee complain or display fatigue or a poor attitude. She is truly a leader by example, and I wish her the very best. I am very proud of her.

Kay Spicer