Elk River High School|Elk River, MN
TEACHER: Damien Husen
3-D Art and Design

Crystal Collar|10 x 4.5 x 4.5 in
Idea(s): Soft marbleized body contrasted with harsh crystalized collar.
Material(s): Porcelain clay infused with Mason stain and coated in slip
Process(es): Layered color clay thrown to create marbleized effect accented neck with crystals and slip texture.

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My pieces or my investigation, in general, all started with the same idea of trying to incorporate crystals into the designs of my pieces.
It took a lot of practice and revision throughout the process to make them perfect or to my liking. It started more with carving into the pieces rather than sculpting separate parts and putting them. But eventually, I went to that where I would just hand sculpt
It took a lot of practice and revision throughout the process to make them perfect or to my liking. It started more with carving into the pieces rather than sculpting separate parts and putting them. But eventually I went to that where I would just hand sculpt each individual little crystal with knives, sculpting tools, etc. And then I would score and slip them on. Each crystal actually started out as like a little ball of clay, and then I would have to sit there and shave slices of it off until it looked like crystal. And then. after many hours of sculpting the crystals out then I would have to score and slip them onto the piece, which also took a really long time. But, overall, the finished product was actually really nice. But all my pieces were similar in a few ways, but they were also really unique as well. They're similar because they all incorporated crystals into the designs of them. A lot of them, they were made in the same way which was just hand sculpting them and putting the crystals on. But, there's a few that also I just carved right into them and tried to make crystal structures which was equally as hard as well. But, in the end, I really like just sculpting them separately and putting them on those. My favorite way of doing it, and I think it was easiest and it just turned out the best in my opinion, but yeah.

Linkin Huber
Rocky Road|11.5 x 5 x 5 in
Material(s): Porcelain clay and slip
Process(es): Wheel-thrown bottle with 4 identical vertical carved-out lines containing a row of crystals in each.
Linkin Huber