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AP Art and Design Exhibit
Endeavors of a Vendor
Height: 24" x Width: 18" | Material(s): Canvas, Acrylic Paint | Process(es): Ultramarine Blue underpainting to establish values, block in colors, then added in details | Citation(s): Based on my own imagination, observations, and references | Idea(s): I found acrylic paint was a better medium to convey colors through its fluidity and vibrancy | Curatorial Note: This is an extremely powerful image on many levels that is also just a beautifully crafted painting.

Long Do

Student statement

drawing dot.svg
White Station High School
Memphis, TN, USA
CB 2024 instagram.svg
What did you do to improve your 2-D, 3-D, or Drawing portfolio skills?
Throughout the year of developing my portfolio, I focused on refining my painting skills and really wanted to push myself further by going out of my comfort zone. I explored the various ways I could manipulate the paint to achieve different outcomes through experimenting with different colors, artistic styles, and brushstrokes. I also seek inspiration from other artists, exposing me to different techniques that I can incorporate into my artwork to help me learn new skills and further challenge myself as an artist. As I constantly evolve from new discoveries, it gives me a fresh perspective on things that contribute to my growth and enhance my artistic endeavors.
Describe the critique practices and feedback you received in AP Art and Design.
During the process of making the artwork, I would ask for feedback from my teacher and friends to get a second opinion on it to see how I can improve on it. This might be the scale of the work, color palette, or style of it. Getting feedback can be really helpful as they can see something you can't, allowing you to see details you might've overlooked and giving you areas for improvement that will contribute to your growth as an artist.
How can I capture the vivid memories of Vietnam and translate them through a spectrum of colors? When revisiting my memories of Vietnam, I always have seen it as a dynamic and vibrant place to me, characterized by its scenery and people. Throughout my portfolio, I experimented with colors to capture the essence of Vietnam's beauty.
In what ways did your artmaking confidence increase in AP Art and Design?
Taking AP Drawing gave me a foundation, guiding me through the process of combining ideas, inspirations, and creativity into pieces of work that I can truly be proud of. Through each creation, my skills were evolving, and as I continued I founded my rhythm, all of which contributed to my confidence and motivated me to continue building my portfolio.
How did you modify or revise your artmaking direction based on feedback?
From the feedback, I would identify the areas I could fix, and from there, I would experiment with ways to incorporate the feedback and improve on them. At times, I would use my sketchbook to test out changes without making permanent markings on the final work.
Endeavors of a Vendor Detail
Charles Berlin
White Station High, Memphis, TN, USA
Art Teacher

Teacher Statement

What formative and summative assessments helped guide your students through your AP Art and Design curriculum?
We view the archived AP Art and Design portfolios and discuss the choices student artists have made. We also view the College Board archive of AP Portfolios and discuss concepts viewed there.
What creative programming (i.e., exhibit spaces, mentoring programs, curricular supports) have you implemented to support AP Art and Design students?
We participate in all the local Fairs and shows designed for teenage artists, including Scholastic Art and Writing Awards. We typically have several school art shows. Student Long Do is an avid participant in all of these opportunities.
What did you learn from working with your student?
The amazing technical proficiency Long Do displays through his palette and value structure is inspiring.
Material(s): Mix media sketchbook, acrylic paint, pen | Process(es): SKETCHBOOK: Experimentation of underpaintings and acrylic glazing, and establishing contrast | Citation(s): Based on my own imagination, observations, and references | Idea(s): I found acrylic paint was a better medium to convey colors through its fluidity and vibrancy | Curatorial Note: WONDERFUL sketchbook example!
Carrye Holland
White Station High School, Memphis, TN, USA

Leader Statement

What are you most proud of regarding your school’s AP Art and Design program, student, and teacher?
I am exceedingly proud of White Station's AP Art and Design program because in these classes I see students blossom and mature into artists whose visions come to life under the direction of Mr. Berlin. Mr. Berlin creates safe spaces where students can feel free to be themselves but also to explore who they are as artists and what they are trying to express. Mr. Berlin has honed an approach where students can truly do whatever it is they want to do while evolving as artists and being pushed to explore all facets of the creative work they are doing. Mr. Berlin has students in his classroom all day who are excited about their work and what they are trying to accomplish. Long is a student who is truly flourishing in our program under the direction of Mr. Berlin. Long's talent and dedication to his art are so very evident in these works. As one can see here, it is truly breathtaking to see what happens when you put a dedicated teacher and a talented student together and stand back!
What do you do to support visual arts programming in your school?
As a principal, I truly believe in the power of the arts. I have always known that art in whatever form is what brings some students to school. I also see the transformative power of art as a form of expression for so many of our students. I support the arts by first ensuring that our schedule allows for all forms of art and does so throughout the school day. If a student wants to take an art class, we try to ensure that this happens and that there are plenty of opportunities to do so. I also try to support our teachers through open lines of communication about what they need in order to support students' creative expression through our art classes. Our art program has fostered many successful artists and we foster mentorship opportunities for our alumni artists and current students. We feature our student artists at open houses and schoolwide events and invite them to share their stories with prospective students. We make sure that students know that we support their work and creative expression. Visiting those classrooms on a regular basis to see what students are working on is important as well. I love to see what they are doing but I also want them to see that our administrative team does view art as important just as I do their core classes.
What is your advice to other school leaders on how to support an AP Art and Design program?
I have found that it is important to work closely with both students and teachers to determine what it is they need and want in order to really develop and sustain a strong program. Along with ensuring that there is room for art classes, I have found that we must consider how to create those scheduling opportunities for students to be able to take art classes that prepare them for the more advanced coursework. Giving students time to work on their art is also important. Sometimes one class period is not enough so we allow students to work on their art during their study hall time as well and will block that time alongside their art class when possible. We also do not pull students from art for intervention as the class itself is one that is valuable to many of our students for other reasons.
Long Do