View 1| 12 x 18 x 5 in | Amid the pandemic, I experimented with calligraphy pens/ink to design and Adobe Dimensions to render. I intended to physically construct teapots/cups, I explored physical/graphic design amid Covid-19.
Parker SchooL | Kamuela, HI
View 2 | 12 x 18 x 5 in | Amid the pandemic, I experimented with calligraphy pens/ink to design and Adobe Dimensions to render.
Seeking to replicate my concept, I examined the various ways to manipulate texture/form/shape/size
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Once quarantine was enacted, I was forced to explore other avenues and artistic mediums to complete my portfolio. Rather than abandoning the completion of my portfolio, I persevered through the materialistic challenges and withheld my extra time as an opportunity to enhance my work.
Lucas Koranda
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