Luis Sandoval
LoveJoy High School|Lucas, TX
TEACHER: Brice McCasland

Untitled|17.5 x 9.5 in.
Idea(s): Create a doll to portray the confinement and expectations placed upon me
Material(s): chipboard to construct box and stand, Magnet sheet for clothes and figure, painted with oil paint.
Process(es): paint outfits I believe others would want me to wear to convey idea of expectations being placed
Student statement
Throughout my investigation I have reflected on the way I was raised and the factors which contributed to my development. I seek to represent the pressures and boundaries put around me by my family in attempts to mold me into their desired son. As a child I reciprocated to these rights and wrongs and learned to conform myself, but through time as I have developed my own opinions, I have been able to look back at what caused me to change myself and what caused me to filter myself.
Through the portrayal of situations and the creation and recreation of objects and toys, I seek to share the confinement I have experienced because of my gender in a visual and tactile way. I do not seek to tell others how to think or believe, but I do wish to convey that the culmination of rigid gender boundaries affected me in a way that was not beneficial to the development of my identity.

Luis Sandoval
Brice McCasland
Read the transcript
Hi, I'm Brice McCasland and I was privileged enough to be Luis Sandoval's instructor. I think one of the really powerful things about Luis’s body of work is the fact that it really connects to everyone.

Untitled | 4.5 x 2 in.
Material(s): tracing paper, pencil to draw clothing, then transfer to flexible magnetic pad and paint w/oil paint
Process(es): draw clothes on tracing paper, transfer to paper and magnet, paint, scrape to make bold mark/form

In my body of work, I am investigating how I was molded by my environment to follow gender norms. This body is a reflection and recreation of specific objects and scenarios which played roles in confining me at varying stages of life.

Untitled | 4.5 x 2 in.
Material(s): tracing paper, pencil to draw clothing, then transfer to flexible magnetic pad and paint w/oil paint
Process(es): draw clothes on tracing paper, transfer to paper and magnet, paint, scrape to make bold mark/form

Luis Sandoval