Lynne Lee
Shanghai High School International Division|Shanghai, China

Plastic Bag|24 x 20 in.
Material(s): acrylic paint and plastic wrapping.
Process(es): painted the background in dark cool tone to convey contrast with the plastic bag which is the focus.
Curatorial Note: powerful images addressing environmental issues regarding marine life.
“When I studied environmental science, I came across how contaminated our ocean has become through toxic dumps. My first series reflects the detrimental damage we have caused to marine life, which is illustrated in contrast with my wish to free them from this contamination.”
Student statement
This piece is titled Plastic Bag. Again, I used sharp juxtaposition, portraying the dark and polluted ocean in contrast to the clean and safe water in the plastic bag. This piece is full of irony. At first glance, it might look like a portrayal of the aspiration to protect marine life, with the bag in the hand symbolizing a safe and protected space. But the irony lies in the plastic bag. These fish are being “protected” by what has caused them harm in the first place, and though they seem safe in the moment, there lies unpredictability in what will happen to them after being carried away.

Plastic Bag|24 x 20 in.
Material(s): acrylic paint.
Process(es): vibrant colors were used to paint the fish in order to contrast with the dull and dry land.
Curatorial Note: powerful images addressing environmental issues regarding marine life.

Lynne Lee
The title of this piece is Heaven and Hell. Through my environmental science studies, I have become increasingly aware of the harm human activities have inflicted on marine life. A reoccurring element in my series is contrast, and this artwork was no exception of it. A sharp juxtaposition is made between the lifeless and perished fish on the ground and the vibrant dancing fish in the sky. This contrast symbolizes the concept of heaven and hell. Hell being the dry and inanimate reality these marine lives face, and heaven portraying an alternate world where there is no such suffering. The hand, in the center holding a fish, represents my wish to free them from damage and pollution. I wasn’t afraid to use bold and vibrant colors to portray the fish in “heaven”. I saw it unfitting at first thinking the colors would stand out too much, but it turned out to perfectly accentuate the contrast.
Teacher Statement
Teacher Statement
Fang Yuan
One of the aims of AP Drawing is to help students to become creative art scholars, so SHSID chose to teach this AP course in a more personalized, motivational way. The teacher should help students to clarify their thinking, determine the topic, broaden their horizons, and improve their creative ability. After setting a goal, students have the space to have their ideas to create and find new materials and new methods. During the process, students are guided to think like artists.
Lynne Lee is an ambitious student. During class, students will explore a variety of mediums, painting techniques, and the execution of unique ideas and themes while also showing an understanding that artmaking is an ongoing process. The sustained investigation was constructive in setting the landscape of what she would be working on. We went through an intense brainstorming session and asked more profound questions about her intentions and how the materials and process will be able to support her ideas. Lynne has developed the series of “Environmental protection and cultural understanding.” To unite all the works, we connect two series, and a common element that can be spotted in both series is contrast. She expresses her ideas through strong visual impacts, such as incorporating the difference between the polluted aquatic environment and the vibrance. Attached actual plastic wrapping to emphasize the visual focal point.
Shanghai High School International Division is very supportive of the arts, and we are blessed to be equally supported in resources, space, and encouragement. We have a gallery, which plays a role in art education and research, and at the same time, invites artists, teachers, and students to participate in planned events. Lynne’s works are also exhibited in the gallery. Students evidence the decision-making process which underpins the selections of this connected and cohesive body of work for the audience in the form of a curatorial rationale. The school gives them a chance to show themselves and lays the foundation for their success.
Material(s): acrylic paint and plastic wrapping.
Process(es): the plastic wrapping was later attached using a glue gun to emphasize the visual focal point.

Lynne Lee