Untitled | 18 x 14 in| Prismacolor and Faber Castell markers on posterboard.
Using reference photos, I was able to replicate surfaces and people. My focus was improving detail.
Osbourn Park Senior High School|Manassas, VA

Untitled | 7 x 9 in| Prismacolor and Faber Castell markers on posterboard.
Coloring after ink lines dry, I meticulously colored each segment with the surrounding in mind.
My inquiry was exploring how I can use color, detail, and composition to portray different gatherings and to convey the vitality of those scenes with them.
Manuel Guerrero-Zdeinert

Untitled | 5 x 8 in| Prismacolor and Faber Castell markers on posterboard.
I wanted to demonstrate change in lighting in a dramatic way. I used rim lighting and reapplied ink.
Untitled | 13 x 16 in| Prismacolor and Faber Castell markers on posterboard.
I started with the foreground and procedurally made my way to the furthest back depth in the piece.
Throughout the course of my inquiry, my goal was to use different color theory techniques to help build the theme over each piece, and with each, I wanted to capture the various vibes gatherings can have.
I realized that I had always shied away from drawing people and their facial features in the past. I overcame this by prioritizing each person's purpose in the scenes and their reaction, emotions to what was going on, and what they were doing. This prioritization and thematic composition helped achieve a diverse and unique sense of life in each gathering.
Untitled | 24 x 20 in| Prismacolor and Faber Castell markers on posterboard.I drew the buildings first. I struggled with believable people so I focused on their emotions and their actions.
Manuel Guerrero-Zdeinert
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