In the Time of Crisis|18 x 12 in| White gouache, erasable black colored pencil, watercolor, colored pencil.
I drew the bankrupt Chinese restaurant, stock market, caution tape to show the bad effects of COVID.
MilLburn High School|MilLburn, NJ
Michelle Qiu
I documented the events just as the news did....as my town went into quarantine and as never ending updates on collapsing businesses, stock market crashes, and packed hospitals overwhelmed the news, my message gradually shifted.
My piece titled “In the Time of Crisis” that is 18” x 12” was created during the time COVID-19 had just started engulfing the U.S.
Around the time COVID-19 was just starting to creep its way into the US, I was assigned a self-portrait project that involved me donning a disguise. What better to wear than a mask? Pairing the medical face mask with a pair of medical gloves, I was “disguised” in the typical outfit ready for a pandemic.
The idea came to me rather quickly as the coronavirus issue besetting China plagued me. Having many relatives living in China, in relatively close proximity to the hot spots all the more, naturally inspired me to bring attention to the crisis in the form of art. As my piece continued to evolve, so did the US as the virus continued to spread throughout the country.
Thus, as my town went into quarantine and as never ending updates on collapsing businesses, stock market crashes, and packed hospitals overwhelmed the news, my message gradually shifted. I depicted these drastic effects in the background of my piece, documenting the events just as the news did. Wanting to convey the confusion and anxiety that dominates the current crisis, I created a contrast where the blues of the masks and gloves expressing safety clashes with the reds that emphasize the chaos.
Kathleen Harte-Gilsenan
Michelle allowed herself to respond to changes (the influence of Covid-19) as she made decisions regarding the background of her piece.
Michelle Qiu
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