Miles Hearne
Highland Park High School|Dallas, TX
TEACHER: Chris Fullwood
2-D Art and Design
Through my work, I chose to answer the question:
How is racism protested in Dallas?

Untitled | 17.7 x 17.7 in.
Material(s): Sony A7RII camera body and a Sony 50mm f/1.8 lens.
Process(es): I took the photo in RAW and then edited it only using Adobe Lightroom to create the final image.

Untitled | 26.5 x 17.7 in.
Material(s): Sony A7RII camera body and a Sony 50mm f/1.8 lens.
Process(es): I took the photo in RAW and then edited it only using Adobe Lightroom to create the final image.
Student statement
Each image taken captures a different scene from Black Lives Matter protest throughout Dallas. At first, my focus was towards military and police presence and their interactions with protestors. This focus displayed on aspect of the protest, the more violent end, but failed to show the emotion and meaning behind the people involved in the protesting. I shifted my focus more towards capturing emotion and deeper meaning such as can be seen in the image of the man holding an American flag upside down. That image not only captures what a protestor in Dallas looks like but also what they believe to be wrong. The flag's orientation makes the statement that America is upside down or that things are not right in our country. The last thing I focused on was more to do with editing. I began to experiment with selective color editing and black and white photos. I found that using black and white photos in some cases allowed for a more emotional image overall. All of these focuses and processes combined allowed me to paint an accurate and emotional image of how racism is protested in Dallas, Texas.
Miles Hearne
Miles Hearne