View 1| 13.5 x 11 x 8 in | Wood, cement, Selenite crystals, and 2 metal supports.
Used foam mold to make cement plate. Built wood frame around the plates, and then added crystals.
Prosper High School | Prosper, TX
DesignView 2| 13.5 x 11 x 8 in | Wood, cement, Selenite crystals, and 2 metal supports.
Used foam mold to make cement plate. Built wood frame around the plates, and then added crystals.
Gina Mock
Listen to teacher statement
Tanner's focus was to incorporate his passion for geology in the construction of something that had functionality in the home beyond solely a sculpture.

Composite Image| 13.5 x 11 x 8 in | Wood, cement, Selenite crystals, and 2 metal supports.
Used foam mold to make cement plate. Built wood frame around the plates, and then added crystals.

Tanner Fulton
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