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Untitled|4 x 4 in| Oil stick and propylene.Used propylene to make the bottom background, apply the oil stick to the color block.
Nansha College Preparatory Academy|Nansha Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
WeiHang (Jacky) Li
When I travel, I see different landscapes. At the moment I recalled these scenes, a large area of color blocks first appeared in my mind.
When I travel, I see different landscapes. When I recalled these scenes, a large area of color blocks first appeared in my mind. Therefore, I decided to draw the color blocks using crayons and pencils to create the painting. I used a pencil to draw horizontal lines and outline the color blocks in the painting. After that, the squares were colored with crayons. Finally, I used my fingers to daub the color blocks with other blocks and mix the different colors.
This is the basis of my sustained investigation. My second work became more concrete. My thoughts have shifted from vague imaginary scenes to the real world with details. During the creating process, I tried to draw independent color blocks. There are also horizontal color stripes. In revision, I mixed several colors together. In this way, I can see the influence of the color differences on the whole picture.
WeiHang (Jacky) Li
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