East Catholic High School|Manchester, CT
TEACHER: Catherine Luker

The Net | 60 x 48 in.
Idea(s): The 2D painting displays multiple perspectives that show a more holistic view of the figure.
Materials(s): Oil on canvas.
Process(es): I painted them on separate pieces of canvas using oil paints and then put these paintings together.
Student statement

Yulong (Dan) Pan
I agree with David Hockney’s view that photography is at times limited when attempting to show multiple perspectives of a subject.
For this artwork, I wanted to integrate perspectives from different frames and angles of one specific subject—a woman sewing a fishing net. I observed the scene along the seashore in my hometown, and I took multiple pictures of her.
From each picture, I took one part and combined the paintings of all of them to form a larger work. Now the finished artwork is still 2D but displays multiple perspectives and angles that tell a more interesting and holistic story.
Catherine Luker
Dan Pan is a dedicated and innovative art student that is committed to creating meaningful and stimulating artwork. His work is dynamic and designed with enthusiasm that inspires the viewer to think.
It’s obvious that his appreciation of art and his experience using a wide range of media is what enables his artwork to span another dimension. He is a confident artist that is able to communicate his ideas visually while maintaining a strong relationship with the viewer. His passion for creating is contagious and it was my pleasure to share the past two years of his educational career.

Yulong Pan