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Untitled| 50 x 45 in | Panty hose, cotton stuffing, water marbles, string.
I took different colored panty hose and stuffed them with cotton stuffing and other materials.
New World School of the Arts | Miami, FL
Zonelys Martinez2.jpg
Untitled| 40 x 28 in | Panty hose, cotton stuffing, sand, resin.
I wanted to figure out how to make shapes from my collages become three-dimensional.
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Give students space and just encouragement to follow their own ideas. It was Zoe's idea to place both images of the 2-D and the 3-D images together. I was skeptical at first, but she was determined.
Jennifer Gifford
Untitled| 28 x 26 in | Panty hose, cotton stuffing, water marbles, clay, wood, chickenwire.
I then wanted the viewer to be able to walk all the way around the sculpture, and see more detail.
Zonelys Martinez
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